Paul Ellis

Description for popup: 


Collector from the United Kingdom



Double booklet.
Vaz & Cabral.
Colorful double booklet from Portugal
Scarcity: Very rare.

Elephant No 501

Flat Folder style booklet.
Several variations in design and color.
Made in Japan
Smaller version. No 501

Paul Ellis Main collection

Papier A.G.

Single wide size wrap-around folder style booklet.
Papier A. G.
G Aubert/M. Trussy.
Several variations in design, color and format.
Notes: brand name also registered by Dallemagne Vve 21.11.1901 and Also H. Swan in London.
Scarcity: Fairly common.
ID Marks:
1. Interlaced A. G. Letters.

2. En France et a L' Etranger (In France and Abroad) - This text often printed on a range of Aubert brand named booklets .

Papier A.G.

Papier A. G.
Long folder style booklet.
Several variations in design, color and format.
Papier A. G.
L. Fricotelle.
Brand name and design also used by Dallemagne Vve, Swan and Aubert.
ID Marks: Interlaced A. G. Letters

113, Boul. Haussmann, PARIS.
40 on front panel.

Scarcity: Fairly common.


Flat folder style booklet.
Several variations in color, format and design.
100 Blattchen.  1,30 RM. 
Scarcity: Common.



Double A

Small folder style booklet.
Several variations in design, color and format.
Double A.
A. & A. 
A & A, Audrey House, Ely Place, London, EC1.
Scarcity: Fairly common.
