Author of numerous publications and caretaker of Musee du Papier (Angouleme)
Repertoire des marques de papier a cigarettes deposees en France.
P. la Mouche (The Fly).Early booklet from Algeria.Illustration - fab. Fcse - P. pur soie (pure silk) - Arabic inscriptionsFounded 1912.(Alger).Scarcity: Very rare.
Early booklet from Algeria.Depicts Boat and Schedules.Founded 1881.(Alger)Scarcity: Very rare.
Early Algerian booklet.Illustration + Arabic inscriptions.Founded 1905.(Alger). Denis Peaucelle
Early booklet from Algeria.2 Ducks - Inscription - Arabic -Founded 1908.(Alger).Scarcity: Very rare.
Early booklet from Algeria.Translated - 'Manufactured with the juice of the tangerine of Blida' .Founded 1879.(Alger).Scarcity: Very rare.
Early Algerian booklet.Illustration + Arabic inscriptions.Founded 1905.(Alger).Scarcity: Very rare.
Early Algerian booklet. - Founded 1881Bakry c et Cie. (Alger). Scarcity: Very rare.
Early Algerian booklet.Illustration + Arabic inscriptions. Founded 1905.(Alger).Scarcity: Very rare.
Early Algerian booklet -Translates Prepared with juice of Liquorice - Arabic inscriptions Founded 1903 (Algerie)
Papier Marocain.Andreo et Gentet.(Oran).Early booklet from Algeria.Illustration - Founded 1876 (Oran)Scarcity: Very rare.