Hardback Booklet. La Zebra. Francisco Carbonell. (Alcoy). Extra-Fino - Fototipias Series - One of a series of booklets depicting women in Glamour poses. Michaud - Belmontell.
Folder style booklet.
Fca de Papel de Fumar de los.
R. Botella.
(Alcoy). One of a series of booklets depicting Actresses in costume.
Robin; Fraisia; Dulac.
Folder style booklet.
Fototipias Para Coleccionar.
Ferrandiz y Botella.
(Alcoy). One of a series of booklets depicting Famous Actors and Actresses.
Jane Harding; Roessler (Nos 13 and 14)
Folder style booklet.
Papel Salud.
Ivorra Paya y Ca.
(Alcoy). One of a series of booklets depicting Famous Actors and Actresses.
Delna; Eames; Ciclistas.
Folder style booklet.
Las Mil Flores (The Thousand Flowers)
Several variations in design, format and color.
Ivorra Paya y Ca.
(Alcoy). One of a series of covers depicting romance/floral scenes.