Facunda Paya y Gisbert

Listing of booklets manufactured at factory in Alcoy, Spain.

The Booklets of Facunda Paya y Gisbert

(Items highlighted in blue are displayed on this website.   Unhighlighted items (black) - No Image availble.   If you have any images of those booklets not highlighted or of any items not listed please email me

Calendario (El)UnknownFacundo Paya y Gisbert
Corrida de TorosUnknownFacundo Paya y Gisbert
Lampara (La)UnknownFacundo Paya y Gisbert
Lira (La)UnknownFacundo Paya y Gisbert
Perla (La)UnknownFacundo Paya y Gisbert
'Propiedad'UnknownFacunda Paya y Gisbert

[1] '150 Anos de Libritos de Papel de Fumar' by Enrique Cerda Gordo.