
Without Name

Country Manufacturer Year Brand Source
Iraq Unknown Unknown Without Name Unknown

Old booklet from middle east.

Al Amir

Country Manufacturer Year Brand Source
Iraq Unknown Unknown Al Amir Paul Ellis

Old booklet from middle east.

Al Amir

Country Manufacturer Year Brand Source
Iraq Unknown Unknown Al Amir Paul Ellis

Old booklet from middle east.

Al Amir

Country Manufacturer Year Brand Source
Iraq Unknown Unknown Al Amir Paul Ellis

Old booklet from middle east.


Country Manufacturer Year Brand Source
Iraq Unknown Unknown Yagrap Paul Ellis

Old booklet from middle east.

Without Name

Country Manufacturer Year Brand Source
Iraq Unknown Unknown Without Name Paul Ellis

Old booklet from middle east.


Country Manufacturer Year Brand Source
France Camus 1904 Glaive Denis Peaucelle

Glaive (Sword).
Scarcity: Rare.


Country Manufacturer Year Brand Source
France Camus 1904 Gladiateur Denis Peaucelle

Scarcity: Rare.

Altesse Extradunn

Country Manufacturer Year Brand Source
Austria Altesse Ste Unknown Altesse Extradunn Ralph Heinzelmann

Folder style booklet.
Altesse Extradunn.
Altesse Ste.

Ralph Heinzelmann

Altesse Tubes

Country Manufacturer Year Brand Source
Austria Altesse Ste Unknown Altesse Tubes Paul Ellis

Packet style booklet.
Altesse Tubes.
Altesse Ste.

Paul Ellis


Country Manufacturer Year Brand Source
Italy Attanassula Freres Est 1900 - 1910 Baoy Paul Ellis

Athanassoula Freres.
Factories in Turkey (Smyrne) and Italy (Trieste).
For Greece.

Scarcity: Rare.


Thian Kow Pai No 555

Country Manufacturer Year Brand Source
Singapore S. D. Modiano Reg: 02.04.1930 Thian Kow Pai No 555 Straits Times

Old Colorful Flat Folder style booklet of which there are several variations in design and color.
One of a series of booklets registered to N. V. Straits Java Trading Company.
4 - 1
Trade Mark was registered to N. V. Straits, Java Trading Company, operating in the Dutch east indies, but having offices at 104/105 Robinson Road, Singapore..
Brand name either later registered or imported by Modiano (Trieste)
Scarcity: Rare.

Modiano No 222

Country Manufacturer Year Brand Source
Italy S. D. Modiano 1903 Modiano No 222 Marco Sonaglia

Early colorful booklet.

Papier de Chine No 604

Country Manufacturer Year Brand Source
Italy S. D. Modiano 1903 De Chine No 604 (O) Marco Sonaglia

variation. 604 on right

Velo No 1099

Country Manufacturer Year Brand Source
Italy S. D. Modiano 1898 Velo Pietro Egidi & Claudio Grisancich

Colorful flat folder style booklet.
Velo No 1099
S. D. Modiano
Scarcity: Very rare.


Country Manufacturer Year Brand Source
Italy Unknown Unknown Moretto Unknown

Italy inconfirmed


Country Manufacturer Year Brand Source
Italy Unknown Unknown Regina Unknown

Old Booklet.


Country Manufacturer Year Brand Source
Unknown Unknown Unknown Viva Unknown

Old Booklet.
